I'm currently working on a new eBook which will be titled something like: The Seven Steps to a Sale and the readers of this blog have the opportunity to resell it and profit from it. If you'd like to know when it's ready and more details, just leave your contact info at the end of this post. (It won't be published).
For now, here's Chapter 2 so you'll get and idea as to what it will be like.
Make it a great day!
7 steps to a sale; step 2:
We’ve greeted our customer and now we need to create a relationship. Actually this relationship has already started because people make a decision whether they like us or not in the first 7 seconds. In this first step you’ve talked a bit about the other person; what they do and what they are wearing, or something. Don’t move from step one to step two if you’ve not done this. When you’ve done this sufficiently, you have then earned the “right” to talk a bit about your self and your product or service.
So many formulas such as this “Seven Steps to a Sale” are similar to others that I think there are probably just a few and they apply to many. For instance in presenting a speech we first greet our audience and then open with an introduction. Here in step 2, we can use the same introduction techniques in a speech in building rapport.
In an introduction, I usually want to “knock someone out of their preoccupation”; whatever it is. In the case of a speech or workshop many times the audience doesn’t want to be there because they were forced to attend by the boss, or minimally they are thinking about something else. Many times when someone is “looking”, they are on the defensive and have their guard up. I find ways to get them to open up and relate and just feel better about being with me.
In the sales arena many sales people think that this is the time to slap the person on the back, speak loudly and use the typical “loud” jokes, etc. This is where I first “consider my audience” and mirror them. If they are reserved, I speak in a soft reserved tone. If they have there hands moving in an animated way, I do the same.
Do a Google search using the phrase: “Speech Introductions” and you’ll find many techniques to introduce a speech, and you can use them in this stage of the sales process. The best tip I would offer is to arouse interest and capture the attention.
Next we’ll explore step three: qualifying the prospect and his/her needs.
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