Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How to Capture and Record Creativity

Creativity happens everywhere; capture it.

I carry my smartphone everywhere. When I think of a melody, or have a thought, I record it. I also carry 3 x 5 cards with me; I think that they are one of the world's greatest "inventions" and write my thoughts. I later transfer them to a word document or excel file for organizing and completing. Ideas come to me so rapidly sometimes that I can't write them fast enough. I definitely need a stack of 3 x 5 cards at my bedside or bathroom counter for inspiration visits me at strange times and places.

Here's something I've done recently and maybe it will be helpful for you:

For my son’s birthday card, I found a “Superman Diary” at the dollar store with a colorful Superman figure on the cover. He’s a grown adult but loves Superman “anything”; I’m thinking because his last name starts with “S” and the Superman symbol looks really cool! Anyway, I thought this was a creative “birthday card” that has use for a longer time than just a year.

Next, I wrote birthday greetings on the inside page with my quickly written poem:

Here’s a book to write your goals,
Then choose to work on just 3 of those.
So next year, the “older” you
Will be wiser, wealthier and happier too!

So dear reader, I am writing this because I thought you might enjoy the idea of using this idea for a birthday card for someone in your life (it’s actually “cheaper” than  most cards and will be “seen” more; but if mailed may cost a bit more). And secondly, my intent is to remind you (and myself) to write goals, choosing 3 to work on so we are constantly in control of how we want our future to become! 

My GOMO "Goal setting and goal getting course" will soon be available for purchase. If you'd like the free pdf version before it's published, just ask for it at: using "GOMO Manual Pre-published Version"  in the subject line (you must use these exact words to get you FREE copy).

Monday, April 21, 2014

Write Publish and Profit as a Guest Blogger

Be a Guest Blogger!

We won't pay you in dollars but if your article relates to our readers, you'll get traffic back to your blog, website, facebook page, or YouTube video.



  1. Look over this blog; read some articles so you know what we’re about.
  2. Write something worthy, relevant, and profitable to our readers.
  3. Go to: and inquire or upload your article and one or two photos.
  4. We will review it and get back to you. If accepted, we’ll publish your article (we reserve the right to shorten and edit it) and we’ll link to your blog or website!





Write an article, we’ll publish it here, and link to your blog or site!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This is what Amazon's KINDLE COUNTDOWN DEAL looks like.

Drastic Discounts are all week on Attainment Revelation Celebration at Amazon, but discounts start at a whopping 81% off and get larger each day as you delay. So go there now and enjoy this great Kindle book that will empower you to attain your goals this year and every year! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

2 Ways to Promote Your Kindle Book Using Kindle Countdown and Blogging

Here's a great way to promote your Kindle book; use the Kindle Countdown feature. You can go to Amazon's Kindle site and learn about it so I won't go into those details. I will however share how I use it to promote my books not once, but twice using my own blogs. First of all, remember that the book (and anything you promote on your blog) needs to be relevant to the theme of your blog or your readers will get turned off; they want relavancy. Then print it on flyers, and even list it on Craigslist. I will also share sites that will promote your discounted or free eBook for you at no cost, on future blog entries, so be sure to register with the (RSS Feed) Follow by Email box found on this page.

First I use content such as this to promote the book in advance:


Yours truly has a Birthday in February; and I’m celebrating with a special on my Kindle Book. This week only, my book, ATTAINMENT REVELATION CELEBRATION, will be discounted up to 81%!  

Can’t wait? Buy it now for only $4.99 at: Just place in the search bar: Ter Scott, Attainment Revelation Celebration, click on the “go” to find it and then click on the picture to look inside.

 Description: Ter Scott, Attainment Coach will show you how to attain anything within twelve months by creating your own special holiday called your Attainment Revelation Celebration Day. He walks you through the entire process to write your requests that you wish to attain (from the Major 8; a list that he categorized as the most desired wants) within the following twelve months on a sheet of paper, how to write and submit your requests to the Universe and what to do until you read your list again and compare it with the realization of your requests; on your Revelation Celebration Day twelve months later. You’ll then open it, reflect on what is revealed, celebrate and make plans and adjustments for your next twelve months and repeat the process.
I hope you enjoy it and use it to attain great things in your life. - Ter Scott Attainment Coach.
........................ The above post goes out immediately. I then create the following post and schedule it using the "Schedule" option in blogger, to have it come out one week earlier:
Yours truly has a Birthday in February; and I’m celebrating with a special on my Kindle Book. Next week only, my book, ATTAINMENT REVELATION CELEBRATION, will be discounted up to 81%!  
On the above dates, find it at: Just place in the search bar: Ter Scott, Attainment Revelation Celebration, click on the “go” to find it and then click on the picture to look inside.
Description: Ter Scott, Attainment Coach will show you how to attain anything within twelve months by creating your own special holiday called your Attainment Revelation Celebration Day. He walks you through the entire process to write your requests that you wish to attain (from the Major 8; a list that he categorized as the most desired wants) within the following twelve months on a sheet of paper, how to write and submit your requests to the Universe and what to do until you read your list again and compare it with the realization of your requests; on your Revelation Celebration Day twelve months later.
You’ll then open it, reflect on what is revealed, celebrate and make plans and adjustments for your next twelve months and repeat the process.
I hope you'll find that this book helps you attain all your wishes in the next twelve months!
- Ter Scott, Attainment Coach

One last tip before I go. Create a flyer, print it and leave at coffee shops and even business places that share the theme of your eBook (but not a competitor). Usually local book stores do not promote eBooks unless of course they can get part of the royalties.

Ter Scott is a professional expert in the field
of marketing using his experiences to create
of products and services. "Everything is
marketing, from the time your feet hit the
floor in the morning until your head hits the
pillow at night!"

* Marketing
* Public Speaking
* Private Consultation
* Customer Service Excellence

Friday, January 3, 2014

LOCAL AUTHOR Publishes ... this could be you!

LOCAL AUTHOR Publishes ....
That could be you this line refers to. Let us know when and what you've published as a Kindle book and we'll let our readers know. And because you cannot lead where you won't go, I publish Kindle books on regular basis. This is my latest:
Attainment Revelation Celebration

Whatever you do, whoever you are, you probably want to get more from your life, your career, etc. I’ve put together a book that show you how you can turn your life around within twelve months. People want instant fixes but we must remember that we didn’t get into our present situation “instantly” it took some time to get where we are with the good and the not so good. Get my book, create your own reflection and projection holiday and put it on your calendar. Give yourself twelve months time to see results. As the old commercial stated, “Try it, you’ll like it”. It’s only $4.99 (priced this low for a limited time; no, really. The price goes up soon).


Tony Robbins says that by the 15th of January most people have quit their resolution, that is why he one of his passions is to help people 365 days a year. And, that's why I just published my Kindle book: Attainment Revelation Celebration. It explains how you can create your own holiday in which you create a list of wishes, set them aside for twelve months, when you come back to them on your personal holiday to reflect and project; and repeat the process for another year. Plus, you can start this at any time; not just at the beginning of the year!