Friday, November 22, 2013

Should you use AdSense in Your Blog?

This blog is all about offering helps in getting your Kindle book up and selling on the web. But I know that many of my readers are also bloggers (or they should be as I teach using blogs to get your Kindle book "noticed" and "out there" on the Internet) so I'm offering this "tidbit" of advice here.

Consider Whether or Not to Use AdSense in Your Blogs

I maintain over 100 blogs (Ter Scott, Man of 100 Blogs) on the Internet and I like using Blogger because you can add AdSense to your blog with the click of your mouse; it’s “built in” as a “gadget”. But do you always want to offer AdSense to your visitors? I say “no”.

For instance, several of my blogs offer tips about using one of my products and services; pens in this case:

By using AdSense, Google places “relevant” ads on my blog. That’s usually fine with me; I’m glad to make a few cents from each click by my visitors. But I don’t want other ads on this site about “pens” from my competitors!

Now, if it is a blog such as this one,, where I assist people in attaining the dreams, goals, and desires, using AdSense here, makes sense (and cents, dollars and euros, etc.!).

So how does one make money on sites and blogs without using AdSense? Well, by selling your own products and services, you “silly goose”! However, I use affiliate ads,  Amazon widgets, and even links to my own websites, where I can control the choice of ads that will be placed on my blog or web page. 

Have questions or comments? Leave them below. I’m always glad to help!

PS. My latest Kindle book: Winter Boy is up now on Amazon. You can find it by going to Amazon and using the search term: "Ter Scott Winter Boy" or just click here. You can "look inside", read a bit and (please) leave your review! Thanks.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fund Your Writing

Need income to fund your writing? Here's an easy business that is set on "autopilot" with cashflow monthly.

We’ve Helped Hundreds with Funding
… Now it’s Your Turn

We only work with four people at a time; this way our efforts are focused to insure greater probability of success. To be considered, please read this blog post and follow the steps.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One less promotional trick with publishing Kindle Books.

Things change, time changes everything, and Kindle doesn’t want us to use a simple trick that I’ve been taught and have taught you. It’s not a real big deal, but because I like to be able to promote my web address ( on everything (and you should too), I was deflated just a bit to see that two of my books were in the “draft” mode until I removed the site address. Let me explain.

I learned my lesson in the past about not missing email communication from Kindle. So, I did a search in my email box (I have to do searches now because I get so much email) using the search term “kindle publishing” and found out why two of my books are still in the “draft” mode:


Thank you for submitting the following book(s) for publishing to the Kindle Store. During our review, we found one or more issues with your submission that requires your attention before we can move forward.

Marketing Bootcamp for Small Business by, Terry  Ter  Scott (AUTHOR) (ID:3503972) - Please remove the reference to a website in the author field.

Due to this issue, your book(s) have been moved into an editable status. Please review your book(s) for accuracy and make any necessary corrections by going to the Actions menu and clicking on “edit book details”. Once you have made the corrections, please resubmit the book(s) for publishing by clicking the “Save & Publish” button under Step 8 (Kindle Book Lending). Upon publishing, we will review the files and provide a status update shortly thereafter.

If the message above indicates that a different book has been submitted, you are required to submit the new content as a new book. To do so, choose “Add a new title” from your Account Bookshelf. If you would like to remove an existing book from sale, use the Actions button and choose “Unpublish”.

To contact us about a KDP issue, please visit: 

(kindle address)

Thank you,

Kindle Direct Publishing

So here is what I had:
Here is how I had to change it:
And now it gets updated:
Moral of the story, don't make Kindle mad and keep your books up and selling. Also, keep abreast of these things by signing up as a follower by email. I don't collect your email that way, you will just get these posts automatically in your email box when I do them.

Things are always changing and so it is with Kindle. In my classes I have taught that you can use your web address in this way. Per this message, this is no longer the case.

If you have any comments or questions, always feel free to leave them after any of my posts.

Make it a great day!

PS. I now offer Kindle Coaching via the web on a one on one basis. Check it out at:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Any songwriters out there? Inspiration with any writing comes to you anytime, and anywhere

This blog is about writing, and typically I talk about writing blogs, ebooks, and the like. However, today I am sharing a bit about songwriting.

Inspiration strikes anywhere and everywhere. And yes, it also comes to me in the shower; who knows why? I have to keep a pad and pen nearby to capture the thoughts before they get away. That’s why I keep a 3x5 card or voice recorder with me at all times. I’ve learned to give it my attention every time because my greatest fear is that if I ever did not accept it as the gift that it is and do so immediately, that not only will I lose it but that inspiration may not visit me again! Yes, I also know that if I don’t act on it, that inspiration will continue seeking someone else who will take action- remember that others were toying with flight the same time as the Wright brothers, and with electricity the same time as Edison; which I do believe in abundance so that’s OK when it will help another to prosper by taking it.

However, inspiration comes to me just when my head hits the pillow; when I’m very tired. Really, “now” I ask. It’s like just getting settled in your nice comfy bed and one of your kids come in and asks for a drink of water. (Looking back now I cherish those memories, but at the time…). Or, inspiration visits me in the early morning hours when it thinks that I’ve had enough sleep and that I must get up “right then” and write it down or it tells me that I need to get up and work on it right then.

This morning was one such morning for inspiration to visit but then it allowed me to write it’s gift on a 3 x 5 card from a stack that I keep at my bedside and then drift back to sleep. Later I edited it a bit and placed it on my website: (where other writers can visit and “borrow” them to use in their writings) and also here in this blog.

As a songwriter I will make time to complete a full version and add a melody later. (Also, if any reader knows of another “published” songwriter who may want to collaborate with me on this, please contact me).

So here it is. Hopefully you may find some inspiration from it to help you today.

 Lyrics to “Live What You Love” by Terry Scott 1/29/13


Live what you love in life.

It’s not just “living” that’s nice.

Remember that giving’s your gift,

And gives the world a lift;

Live what you love in life!

Make it a great day!

Terrific. Energizing. Results!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just Write It!

I practice what I preach! It doesn't matter how good we are as writers, we need to write as often as we can. Next, we need to get published. Like the Nike slogan: Just Do It, let's "just write it"!

Now getting "published" doesn't mean writing and waiting for some large publisher to contact you and offer you a big book deal. With the Internet, there are so many ways to get published and make money, it's almost (add any of your favorite cliches here).

My latest article is published at Just go to the site and do a search for “Ter Scott” and find all articles, or simply click here to go directly to the article: . It’s titled: Your Creditors are People Too. Please after you read it, leave a comment and consider being a “follower” .
Take some time today, and everyday to put your thoughts into words; words that can make you some pocket change and vacation money, etc.!  (Can I use etc. there? I just did; you don't have to be overly talented to write and make money on the web!).

Make it a great day!

Terrific. Energizing. Results!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jim's Write, Publish and Sell Ebook System

OK, as if you didn't have enough to digest from my classes and system, here's another by a friend in the business.

Jim states that you can write, publish, and sell your ebook in just 7 days. I believe him because that's what I do and teach it. For those of you who have taken my class but have not taken action, perhaps watching Jim's video will inspire you to do so. For others who are working away at this, watch the video and learn a few more things.

He's offering his system for only $29 to my students for a limited time and then it goes back up to $49 and higher.

His a link to my page which list his link or you can click on the ad at the right.
“How to write, publish, & sell your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little as 7 days – even if you can’t write, can’t type and failed high school English class!”

Make it a great day!
